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Here are some other listings to check out:
Beach View Cottage
Welcome to Beach View Cottage, located on the South Harbour waterfront on the Northern tip of Cape Breton Island. Here you will find pristine beauty, privacy and a relaxing atmosphere in our spacious, cozy cottage. While staying with us, enjoy…
Blue Bayou Resort
Blue Bayou Resort has 23 domes and 7 tipis. Experience a private outdoor space in a billion star environment. For your comfort we have domes with private bathrooms, including bath towels and bedding. For a nomadic experience, we have Authentic…
Cabot Trail Adventures – Guided Tours
Your outdoor adventure specialists in Northern Cape Breton. Sea kayak tours and rentals, paddle boards, bicycle rentals, shuttles and guided tours. Guided coastal hikes to the best "locals know" destinations. With 20 years' experience in the industry we can help…
Cabots Landing Provincial Park
Cabots Landing Provincial Park is a picnic and beach park (North Harbour Beach) on the shore of Aspy Bay, 10 km (6 mi) north of the Cabot Trail on Cape Breton Island. Picnic tables are situated in the park’s open…
Dixon’s Zodiac Seafari Whale & Coastal Tours
Nestled in the northeast corner of Cape Breton Island lies the quaint fishing village of Neil’s Harbour. Just two minutes off of the Cabot Trail, let the lighthouse guide you to Dixon's Zodiac Seafari. Prepare to have a smooth, exhilarating…
Country Haven Bed & Breakfast
Set in the beautiful Cape Breton Highlands and centrally located at the halfway point on the Cabot Trail, Country Haven Bed and Breakfast is the perfect place to relax, unwind and enjoy your vacation. Two or more days are recommended…